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The Foundation Course focuses on the historical and philosophical foundations underlying Montessori pedagogy. Emphasis is placed on the characteristics and development of Montessori early childhood learning environments that provide the foundation for the elementary years. Topics include the evolution of the Montessori approach, developmental stages in learning, and the rationale behind the Montessori prepared environment.  This course is designed for those who do not have a Montessori EC credential.



CAMSV’s Elementary credential programs are designed to facilitate an understanding of the Montessori  integrated, interdisciplinary, holistic approach to education for children ages 6-9 (Elementary I)  and 9-12 years (Elementary II).

The credential program includes an academic strand and a field study/practicum component.


The content of the academic strand address the skills and competencies necessary for successful implementation of the Montessori approach to education in public and private elementary Montessori classrooms.

Mathematics, geometry, language, geography, history, biology, physical sciences, curriculum design, classroom leadership, Montessori philosophy, child development, practical life, art, music, movement and physical education curriculum strands are interwoven in the academic component of the credential programs. 

The courses flow continually from a view of the whole, to a study of the details, and then back to the whole again. 

A year-long practicum/field study in a pre-approved Montessori Elementary prepared environment is an integral component of the credential programs.  This can be completed in the candidate's classroom if it meets American Montessori Society and MACTE requirements.

Application Procedure

Tuition and Fees


Location: Peacelion 

101. Building A, No. 2181 Longgang Boulevard, Jixiang Community, Longcheung Sub-district, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518100, China

To learn more, please visit WeChat Account ID: peacelion-montessori


Elementary courses and programs offered in Vancouver and Victoria, Canada

Early Childhood Programs offered in Shenzhen, China

Zhuang  Mishuai


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